Device Sessions

Login Sessions

The Login Sessions table displays the current login sessions. Login displays the username/credential that was provided at login. Account displays the account that username/credential is associated with. IP displays the IP address of the device. MAC displays the MAC address of the device. Hostname will display the hostname of the device if known. Agent will show the agent that was used to login if known. Expires displays when the login session will expire. Online displays how long the device has been online since the login sessions was created. Download and Upload displays the amount of data the device has download and uploaded since the login session was created. Social Profile will display the social profile used to login, for example if Facebook was used to authenticate the login session. Radius Realm displays the RADIUS Realm if any that was used to authorize the device access. LDAP Domain displays the LDAP Domain used if any to authorize the device. Shared Credential Group displays the shared credential group the device belongs to if a shared credential was used as the login mechanism. RADIUS Server Realm displays the RADIUS server realm if any that the device matched during the login process. The Backend field displays the time in seconds it took for the rXg to create the login session.

IP Sessions

The IP Sessions table displays the current IP sessions of devices currently connected to the rXg. The IP field displays the IP address of the session. Created displays the timestamp of when the sessions was created. The Updated field displays the timestamp of the last update on the IP session. Online displays the total lifetime of the session. The Idle field displays the amount of time the IP session has been idle if any.

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