FIAS PMS Simulator

Setup the FIAS simulator to start on boot

Login to the machine via SSH. Elevate to root access.

Create an rc.local.hook that contains the appropriate commands to generate a fresh guest list and start the PMS simulator upon boot.

cat > /etc/rc.local.hook


/space/rxg/rxgd/debug/gen_fias_guest_list > /space/guest_list.csv
nohup /space/rxg/rxgd/debug/ -g /space/guest_list.csv &


Now make the rc.local.hook executable.

chmod +x /etc/rc.local.hook

Reboot the rXg to ensure that the FIAS simulator comes up. You may manually start the FIAS simulator without rebooting by executing sh /etc/rc.local.hook with root privileges. You may check on the status of the FIAS simulator by running ps ax | grep fias.

Configure rXg to communicate with local PMS simulator

Navigate to Gateways view through the Billing menu. Create a record in the PMS Server scaffold. We call it FIAS simulator. You may call it whatever you wish.

In the Interface Specifications subsection choose the MICROS FIAS for the Internet. Set the Host to be and the Port to be 5010.

Refresh the page to find the Guests scaffold populated with Guest and Room data from the FIAS simulator. This information should match the entires in the guest_list.csv file.

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