Add Account VLANs
Navigate to Network :: LAN
Create the Account VLANs
Click Create New in the VLAN Interfaces scaffold.
Field | Value |
Name | Account VLANs |
Ethernet | em3 |
VLAN IDs | 1108 |
Autoincrement | Checked |
Autoincrement Ratio | 1 |
Addresses | None selected |
Create the Account Network Address
Click Create New in the Network Addresses scaffold.
Field | Value |
Name | Account LANs |
Ethernet | None selected |
VLAN | Account VLANs |
IP | |
Subnet | |
Autoincrement | 64 |
Span | 1 |
Create DHCP Pool | Checked |
Review Network Dashboard
Click on the Network menu header to see the updated network diagram.
Navigate to Services :: RADIUS
Create the Account RADIUS Server Realm
Click Create New in the RADIUS Server Realms scaffold.
Field | Value |
Name | Account Assignment |
Policies | None selected |
Attribute Patterns | None |
Sharing | Per-Account |
VLANs | Account VLANs |
Reuse | Unchecked |
Infrastructure Devices | Lab vSZ |
Respone Attributes | Tunnel-Type: VLAN |
Tunnel-Medium-Type: IEEE-802 Tunnel-Private-Group-ID: %vlan_tag_assignment.tag% |