Add Account VLANs

Create the Account VLANs

Click Create New in the VLAN Interfaces scaffold.

Field Value
Name Account  VLANs
Ethernet em3
VLAN IDs 1108
Autoincrement Checked
Autoincrement Ratio 1
Addresses None selected

Create the Account Network Address

Click Create New in the Network Addresses scaffold.

Field Value
Name Account  LANs
Ethernet None selected
VLAN Account VLANs
Autoincrement 64
Span 1
Create DHCP Pool Checked

Review Network Dashboard

Click on the Network menu header to see the updated network diagram.

Create the Account RADIUS Server Realm

Click Create New in the RADIUS Server Realms scaffold.

Field Value
Name Account  Assignment
Policies None selected
Attribute Patterns None
Sharing Per-Account
VLANs Account VLANs
Reuse Unchecked
Infrastructure Devices Lab vSZ
Respone Attributes Tunnel-Type: VLAN

Tunnel-Medium-Type: IEEE-802 Tunnel-Private-Group-ID: %vlan_tag_assignment.tag% |

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